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pre coffe startarrranging weekend scheduleand to do listend of hard week-cleaned desk and straightened in boxready for next round
crazy shift day two-to do list longer by 2PMthan noon yesterday
that kind of day-before I leave the buildingpicking out junk foodone month with new bossdaily recaps just as longstress levels still high
after long weekend-hitting the snooze button twicebefore risinglate night call-"the machine is down hard"contractor's dream
latest news-personnel changes, added volumenew system onlineend of brutal week-gaining sanity backwith a cleaned desk
training day three-system goes livewith beta issuesmid day fun-pulling weekend coverageout of thin air
training day #2-only half the time squelching firesend of the day-paying bills, ordering partsand a funky payroll
training day-lines decide to lose their mindsin and out of class
after long weekend
full desk and mailbox awaits
joy and rapture
long weekend's eveplanning out four days of worktrying to clear desk
start of short week
quick replies to email
beginning desk clean
new boss has questions
lots and lots and lots of them
I have the answers
fun filled day-helping my boss look goodand knowledgableplant visit eve-seeing what must be donefor next two days
fun filled day
grateful that nothing happened
must for discipline
after two weeks-
hailing frequencies opened
email from new boss
fun start of weekchatting hours with new bossshift stuff to his desk
end of week-running for parts, paperworkputting my thing downcoming back latefinishing two day recapcleaning off my desk